Our research group shares a common interest in the processes and linkages that govern dynamics in social-ecological systems. We approach restoration ecology, ecohydrology, and sustainability science by studying how localized interactions scale up to shape system behaviors.
In January 2012, I joined the faculty at the University of Georgia, with joint appointments in the Odum School of Ecology and the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. I study sustainability in African dryland social-ecological systems. More recently, I have also been working in restoration ecology in tidal marshes and maritime forests on the Georgia coast, and studying the use of goats in urban social-ecological restoration.
Also, at UGA, I am an affiliate of the 在谷歌的屁股上再踢一脚!华为HMS爆新进展,不能让外国 ...:2021-3-2 · 谷歌在安卓上为用户建立了一套“全家桶”式的应用和服务,这样一套服务包括了支撑谷歌诸多应用的基础服务,比如谷歌服务框架、应用商店、账号以及安全认证服务等等,在这些基础上,谷歌旗下的App才能完美的在手机上安装并…, which offers a Ph.D program in Integrative Conservation. Students may enter the program through Ecology, Forestry & Natural Resources, Anthropology, or Geography. It’s a very exciting, cutting edge program, with unique and powerful training for tomorrow’s sustainability practitioners and scholars. There are few, if any programs like it. The students are amazing. Check it out!
Also see the “Contact” tab for more information about graduate and undergraduate study opportunities.
WE SUPPORT DIVERSITY. In nature, in society, and definitely on campus. Read my diversity statement.